Offline Credit Card Processing

Offline Credit Card Processing payment plugin for VirtueMart allows you to collect credit card information online to manually process the payment offline.
This plugin stores the first digits of the credit card to your database encrypted and send the last digits to a specified email address.
Once the order has been processed, the credit card digits stored in the database are deleted.
The Offline Credit Card Processing payment plugin is PCI compliant: it never stores the complete card number in a single place.
The plugin detects and validates credit card numbers, and automatically detects the credit card type, and displays the credit card logo
Offline Credit Card plugin Features
- The plugin does not store the full card number in the database
- The remaining card numbers are sent to one or more specified email addresses
- The CVV is not stored in the database but sent together with remaining card numbers
- The script will validate card number through checksum Luhn algorithm to ensure the number is correct Automatic card type detection:
- It detects if the card is American Express and prompts the customer for a 4 digit code instead of the 3 digit code.
- It detects if the card is a Maestro Credit card and prompts the customer for the issue number or the issue date
- Customize the subject and body of the additional email
- Settings allows to specify the credit cards type accepted
- Requires the card holders name
- Requires the card security code
- Requires an expiration date
- placeholders gives the user a short hint describing the expected values
List of supported card types:
- American Express
- Diners Club Carte Blanche
- Diners Club International
- Diners Club United States & Canada (it is actually a MasterCard)
- Discover Card
- Laser
- Maestro
- MasterCard
- Visa
- Visa Electron
Offline Credit Card Plugin Configuration
Install the plugin via the Joomla Installer.
- Once the plugin has been installed, you can go directly to
- Create a new payment method by clicking on the new button
- Enter a payment name
- Select in the Payment Method parameter VM Payment - Offline Credit Card
- Click on the Save button
Click on the Configuration Tab
Credit Cards Parameters
Credit Cards: select the credit cards that you accept. If you accept all the credit cards, do not select anything.
Emails adresses to send the additional Credit Card data: enter the one or more email address. An email with ther remaing CC numbers is sent to thoses addresses once the order is confirmed by the shopper.
Logos: select the logos of the accepted credit cards. They will be displayed on the frontend together with the payment name.
Class for the 'view your order': the view order class is the one used for the 'view your order' link once the order has been confirmed.
Include default CSS: if you want to use your own CSS file, click no.
Restrictions on Payment
Those parameters are optional.
Countries: Select the countries you accept the Credit cards From. If the Bill To country of the client is one of the selected countries, the Credit card payment will not be offered.
Minimum Amount: enter the minimal amount for which this payment will be offered
Maximum Amount: enter the maximum amount for which this payment will be offered
Fee per transaction
Percent of the total product amount
Back End Options
Order Status for confirmed orders : select the order status of the confirmed order. The default value is Confirmed by Shopper.
Order Status to delete Credit Card infos: select the status that will delete the Credit card information from the database. Once the order status is set to this status the credit card number stored are deleted.
How to customize the email subject and email body
You can use the Language Overrides feature of Joomla to customize the email subject and message. Search for those 2 keys
Test your Installation
Go to your website, and test the installation. You can use to generate fake credit card numbers.
Credit Card Validator detects the credit card type and if the number length and Luhn checksum are valid for this type of card.
Test that you are receiving the emails with the remaining Credit card numbers.
Test that the credit card numbers are stored in the order
Trouble shooting
Credit cards information have been deleted
If you credit card information have been deleted, it means that your order has been set to the order status defined in the payment configuration Order Status to delete Credit Card infos.
If it happens when your order is created, check that the Order Status for confirmed orders andOrder Status to delete Credit Card infos do not have the same value.